News: research and funding
On this page, we report on the latest news about research and funding in the world of socio-legal studies. This can include information from the major UK funders, launches of research projects or research centres, calls for collaboration, in fact, any aspect of academic research that is of interest to socio-legal scholars.
Items will usually be retained for a period of about three months, or until any significant dates have passed.
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Latest research news . . .
Four Leverhulme Trust funding rounds open
Four Leverhulme Trust funding rounds open
The Leverhulme Trust is inviting applications for the following schemes:
- Visiting Professorships: closing date 1 May 2025
- Major Research Fellowships: closing date 9 May 2025
- Philip Leverhulme Prizes: closing date 14 May 2025
- Research Leadership Awards: closing date 30 May 2025
AHRC Curiosity Awards and Catalyst Awards: open for applications
The AHRC Curiosity Awards and Catalyst Awards opened for applications on 31 January 2025. These are now rolling schemes with no closing date. Follow links for details:
CHULS Pracademia: Call for applications for Seedcorn Funding Scheme 2025–2026
Applications are invited for this CHULS scheme which offers between £500 and £750 for projects that bring law academics and practitioners together. See announcement and application form for details. Closing date: 10 March 2025.
British Academy Global Innovation Fellowships 2025: open for applications
The British Acadamy invites applications for the following schemes. All close on 19 February 2025.
- ODA Global Innovation Fellowships (Remote)
- Evidence-Informed Policymaking: Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam
- Evidence-Informed Policymaking: Least Developed Countries
- ODA Global Innovation Fellowships: The Igarapé Institute
- ODA Global Innovation Fellowships: C40 2025
- ODA Global Innovation Fellowships: Conciliation Resources
- ODA Global Innovation Fellowships: International Crisis Group
Nuffield Foundation: Research, Development and Analysis Fund: open for applications
The Nuffield Foundation is inviting applications to this fund which supports projects that inform the design and operation of social policy and practice across our three core areas of Education, Welfare and Justice. There are two rounds a year awarding grants of up to £750,000. The spring round for outline applications is currently open. The closing date is 1 April 2025. See website for details.
British Academy International Fellowships 2025: call for applications
The International Fellowships Programme enables researchers to work for two years at a UK institution with the aim of building a globally connected, mobile research and innovation workforce. See website for details. Closing date: 18 March 2024.
AHRC funding opportunity: ethical, legal, and societal implications of AI – UK/US collaborations
Applications are open for the AHRC BRAID (Bridging Responsible AI Divides) scheme. Applications must include two applicants (project leads), one based in the UK and the other in the US. See website for details. Closing date: 20 March 2025.
AHRC responsive mode: opportunities to work with researchers in the US, Brazil and Luxembourg
Applications are open for the following responsive mode schemes:
These are all open schemes with no closing date.
AHRC responsive mode: standard research grants
Applications are invited for the AHRC standard research grant scheme. This is an open scheme with no closing date.
Nuffield Foundation: New programme launch – Grown Up? Journeys to adulthood
The Foundation has launched 'Grown up? Journeys to adulthood', a new research programme exploring how young people in the UK aged 14-24 are navigating the journey to adulthood. The programme will investigate three key themes:
- education to work
- digital lives
- mental health
By engaging directly with young people, Grown up? aims to understand their perspectives, providing insights to inform future policies and practices. See website for details.
British Academy: Horizon Europe Pump Priming Collaboration between UK and EU Partners 2025
The British Academy with the support of the Royal Society, the Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Royal Academy of Engineering are inviting proposals from UK and EU/Associated Countries-based researchers to pump prime collaborations to support the effective uptake of the opportunities provided by the UK’s association to Horizon Europe. Proposals are welcome in all disciplines – engineering, natural sciences, medical and health sciences, humanities, and social sciences. See website for details. Closing date: 5 March 2025.
UKRI Pre-announcement: Future Leaders Fellowships: round 10
This funding is to support ambitious research and innovation across UKRI’s remit. You must be an early career researcher or innovator who is either: looking to establish or transition to independence; developing your own original and ambitious plans within a commercial setting. See website for details. Opening date: 3 February 2025. Closing date: 18 June 2025.
AHRC: Collaborate with German partners on Arts and Humanities Research – open for applications
Research projects must be composed of two highly integrated national teams based in the UK and Germany. All applications must demonstrate the added value of international collaboration to research objectives. See website for details. Closing date: 19 February 2025.
UKRI policy on the use of generative AI in application preparation and assessment
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has launched its policy on the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) during the funding application and assessment process. See website for details.