SLSA Postgraduate Conference 2025
9–10 January 2025, Manchester Law School, Manchester Metropolitan University
- Registration will open on 13 November 2024 at 12 noon.
For all enquiries, please contact the
The SLSA holds a free PGR Conference specifically for Socio-Legal PGR students every year. This year, the Postgraduate Conference is due to be hosted by Manchester Metropolitan University in Manchester on 9 and 10 January 2025. The event is FREE to attend (and accommodation is provided by the SLSA) but is limited to 50 places.
The Postgraduate Conference is an annual event aimed at postgraduate socio-legal researchers (primarily those in the first year of their PhD studies) who are just starting out on their research journeys. The Conference plays an important role in introducing postgraduate researchers to the world of socio-legal studies.
There will be plenty of opportunities for attendees to network with their fellow students and the SLSA academics running the conference. The sessions throughout the conference cover different aspects of PGR life with sessions on:
- The Supervisory Relationship and Wellbeing
- Research Ethics
- Getting Published
- Life Cycle of a PhD
- Presenting your Research
- Getting a Job in Academia
Following these sessions, the Conference will hold informal events in the evening to allow postgraduate researchers to network and socialise. This year, this will include a social justice poetry reception at Manchester Poetry Library and an evening social dinner.