Socio-Legal Studies Association

Where law meets social sciences & the humanities

Gift Aid

The SLSA welcomes donations to support its work in promoting and fostering research on law and society, supporting scholars in law and other disciplines, working especially with those at the Postgraduate and Early Career stages of their careers. We can make the most of your donation through Gift Aid.

The SLSA is a charity and is registered for Gift Aid on donations. So, if you are a UK taxpayer and you opt into Gift Aid, we can reclaim 25p from HM Revenue & Customs for every £1 that you donate. This increases the value of your donation, giving us more funds to advance the cause of the socio-legal community in various ways.

In order to apply Gift Aid to your donation you need to complete a brief Gift Aid Declaration form that sets out your name, address and confirmation of your taxpayer status.

The form for a single donation can be accessed here

The form for a multiple donation can be accessed here.

Please complete the approriate form and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Further information about the Gift Aid scheme is available here.

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