SLSA Blog: call for guest editors
The Socio-Legal Studies Association Blog is a well-established channel for commentary and discussion on matters of interest to the socio-legal community. It publishes a wide range of posts from both established and emerging academics and others with an interest in socio-legal matters.
The blog is currently seeking guest editors to curate a series of blog posts on a specific topic. Guest editors could be an individual, a group of individuals or an organisation. A series can be between four and ten blog posts. Potential topics can be about anything of interest to the socio-legal community and could include (but are not limited to):
- intersections between law and social sciences/humanities/STEM;
- novel methodologies and approaches to socio-legal work;
- responses to contemporary and emerging legal issues.
Examples of existing blog series can be found on the SLSA blog here. The guest editor’s role will include:
- identifying and liaising with authors;
- reviewing submissions for quality and to ensure compliance with the blog’s guidelines;
- liaising with the SLSA blog editors and reviewing published posts;
- assisting in publicising the posts.
To apply to be a guest editor please email
- names and contact details of all proposed blog editors;
- a brief description of the proposed topic (maximum 500 words), including an explanation of why it will be of interest to the socio-legal community;
- details of proposed authors (if known) or details of how appropriate authors will be identified;
- a timeline for the proposed series.
Please note that we welcome submission of individual blog posts at any time. You can submit your post and/or any queries to