Socio-Legal Studies Association

Where law meets social sciences & the humanities

AcSS Fellowships: nine new SLSA nominees elected

The SLSA Board is delighted to announce that the following SLSA members have been elected as Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences in the latest round of nominations.

Many congratulations to:

  • Professor Ruth Dukes FAcSS
  • Professor Marie Fox FAcSS
  • Professor Ambreena Manji FAcSS
  • Professor Grainne McKeever FAcSS
  • Professor Daniel Monk FAcSS
  • Professor Thérèse Murphy FAcSS
  • Professor Fernanda Pirie FAcSS
  • Professor Sharifah Sekalala FAcSS
  • Professor Mark Walters FAcSS

The Academy’s distinguished Fellowship comprises 1,500 leading social scientists from academia, the public, private and third sectors. Fellows’ expertise covers the breadth of the social sciences, and their practice and research addresses some of the major challenges facing communities, society, places and economies.

As a Member Society of the Academy the SLSA is eligible to submit nominations for new fellows. Look out for the calls for nominations in the Socio-Legal Newsletter and SLSA weekly ebulletin. 

The complete list of current AcSS Fellows is available here.