Socio-Legal Studies Association

Where law meets social sciences & the humanities

SLSA grantholders 2020

The SLSA Board is delighted to announce this year's awards.

Research grants

  • Jenny Lander, De Montfort University, £2990, ‘Shifting subjects: a socio-legal study of new indigenous claims on Mongolia's mining frontier’
  • Raphael Schlembach, Brighton University, £1105, ‘Conflicts and contestation in a public inquiry’
  • Simon Flacks, Westminster University, £2214, ‘Parental substance use and family justice’

Fieldwork grant 2020

  • Linda Mensah, Strathclyde University, £1931, 'Unearthing the law from the pits: legal mapping of customary and living laws as an alternative to formalising artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in Ghana'
  • Selbi Durdiyeva, Ulster University, £2000, ‘Reimagining civil society’s involvement in transitional justice: Russia’s approach to the repressive past after the breakup of the USSR’
  • Daniela Travaglia, University of Birmingham, £2000, ‘Right to a fair trial in Brazilian courts: a perspective through the lens of the feminist theory'