Socio-Legal Studies Association

Where law meets social sciences & the humanities

Centre for Criminology

Oxford University

The Centre for Criminology at Oxford University is an internationally recognised centre for advanced research and graduate teaching in criminology. It fosters theoretically informed empirical research from a broad range of academic disciplines and methodological approaches.

The centre has developed a vibrant programme of research in the fields of policing and security; penal culture, policy and practice; public opinion, politics and crime control; victims; and crime and the family. Its members are committed to connecting criminological work to the broader concerns of the social sciences; to thinking comparatively about crime and punishment; to bringing together sociological and normative approaches to the analysis of crime and justice; and to working at the intersections between criminology and public policy. Current research in the centre includes projects on preventative justice, immigration detention, the right to security, covert policing, private security, adolescent to parent violence, the regulation of anti-social behaviour, and sentencing. These fields are incorporated into the centre’s graduate programmes, including the MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice, the ESRC-Recognised MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice (Research Methods) and the DPhil research degree.


  • Centre for Criminology
    Manor Road Building
    Manor Road
    Oxford OX1 3UQ
  • tel 01865 274444
  • fax: 01865 281924
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