Socio-Legal Studies Association

Where law meets social sciences & the humanities

National and transnational socio-legal/law and society associations and networks 

If you know of an organisation or association that would be of interest to SLSA members, please contact our international liaison co-ordinator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Africa Law and Society Network

ALERTANET Latin American Network on Law and Society

Argentinian Society for the Sociology of Law 

Asian Law and Society Association

Brazilian Association of Researchers in Sociology of Law

Brazilian Society for Empirical Legal Studies

Canadian Law and Society Association

Dutch–Flemish Law and Society Association

East Asian Law and Society - Collaborative Research Network 

Sociological Association for France - the Sociology study of Law and Justice Division 

German Association for Law and Society

Indian Sociology Society - Research Committee on the Sociology of Law 

Irish Association of Law Teachers

Italian Association for the Study of Law and Society

Japanese Association of the Sociology of Law

Law and Society Association (USA)

Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand (LSAANZ)

Swiss Network for Law and Society


Global Socio-Legal/Law and Society Organisations

Commission on Legal Pluralism

International Institute for the Sociology of Law (Oñati)

International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy

Juris Diversitas: an international, interdisciplinary community for the study of legal mixtures and movements

Research Committee for the Sociology of Law (International Association of Sociology)