Socio-Legal Studies Association

Where law meets social sciences & the humanities

SLSA research and fieldwork grantholders 2000–present

Since the first grants were awarded by the SLSA Executive Committee in 2000, numerous SLSA members have benefited from the scheme. Their research has covered many different areas of the law and, in some cases, many thousands of miles. The full list of grantholders is published below.

There is a separate roll of honour for the SLSA impact grantholders (first awarded in 2022) and international collaboration grants (first awarded in 2023).


Research grants

  • Diamond Ashiagbor, Kent University, £1500, ‘Reconceptualising labour law: race, legal form and the legacies of colonialism’
  • Paulien de Winter, University of Groningen, £1500, ‘Unravelling the paradox: investigating contrasts in administrative and criminal sanctions in the Dutch social security system’
  • Cameron Giles, London South Bank University, and Yue Ang, Brunel University, £1155.80, ‘Law in universities, law in society: exploring students’ perspectives on LLB degree design and the role of academic legal education in England and Wales’
  • Hannah Hirst, Sheffield University, £1500, ‘Exploring gender diverse children’s participation in clinical decision-making’
  • Allison Holmes, Kent University, £1279.56,
    ‘SQE-mish? The future of sexual offences in legal education’
  • Jana Kujundžić, Northumbria University, £1500, ‘Towards an abolitionist feminist framework in former Yugoslavia’
  • Joshua Shaw, Kent University, £961.40, ’The legal somatics of bioart and bodily aesthetics’
  • Pardis Tehrani, Sunderland University, £1500, ‘Enhancing government responsiveness by over-coming legal challenges of AI-driven chatbots in the public sector’

Fieldwork grants

  • Waruguru Gaitho, Cambridge University, £1000, ‘“To revolutionary type love”: legal mobilization by Black lesbian, bisexual and queer (LBQ+) women and non-binary people in Kenya and South Africa’
  • Saptarshi Mandal, Kent University, £1000, ‘Socio-legal lives of contested statues in India'
  • Ayesha Pattnaik, Oxford University, £1000, ‘Concealed claims, contested citizens: a study of India’s informal internal migrant workers’
  • Dalia Saris, QMUL, £1000, ‘A practice analysis of the influence of private security on the security practices of humanitarians’
  • Atreyee Sengupta, SOAS, £1000, ‘Rethinking feminist engagement with institutional anti-sexual harassment mechanisms: a study of university spaces in India’ 


Research grants

  • Georgia Antonopoulou, Birmingham University, £1285.60, ‘Between the law and the market: foreign judges in the Dubai International Financial Centre courts’
  • Rachel Cahill-O’Callaghan, Cardiff University, £1500, ‘Access to justices: a comparative study of research access to the judiciary’
  • Sylvie Da Lomba, University of Strathclyde, £1333, ‘“Let them in”: the road to humanising the EU’s asylum policy’
  • Tom Frost, University of Leicester, £1128.60, ‘Teaching public law through empire’s archive’
  • Renata Grossi and David Carter, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, £1500, ‘When contract law goes to therapy'
  • Kanika Sharma, SOAS University of London, and Ozan Kamiloglou, London South Bank University, £1500, ‘Depicting law, streaming justice: aesthetics of neutrality in the webcasted courtroom’
  • Alex Nicholson, University of Leeds, £1452.65, ‘Reinforcers or reformers: an exploration of how legal educators perceive their role and its relationship with the legal profession following the introduction of the SQE'
  • Peter Whitewood, York St John University, £1500, ‘Prisoners of war and international humanitarian law in revolutionary Russia, 1917–1929’

Fieldwork grants

  • Fernanda Maria Díaz, University of Edinburgh, £1000, ‘Strengthening democratic governance of crime and security in Chile. Assessment and possibilities from a deliberative and participatory perspective’
  • Arpeeta Mizan, University of Bristol, £1114, ‘Exploring a postcolonial understanding of legal consciousness: dialectics on legal defiance and religious reverence in Bangladeshi metropole’
  • Sara Munoz, University of Queensland, Australia, £1000, ‘Indigenous people and “green extractivism”: an ecological justice and legal pluralist analysis of lithium mining at the Salar de Atacama in Chile and solar photovoltaic projects at the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia’
  • Pablo Peña Alegria, Green Templeton College, Oxford, £1000, ‘Property law and deforestation in the agricultural frontier of the Peruvian Amazon’
  • Saadat Pirzada, University of Kent, £1000, ‘Regulating the market for force: an econo-socio-legal exploration of the legitimacy and legality of the use of private military and security companies’
  • Raghavi Viswanath, European University Institute, £1000, ‘Rearticulating cultural rights in international human rights law using Global South epistemologies: the case of the Irulars’


Research grants

  • Lynsey Black, Maynooth University, £1489, ‘An oral history of securing the Northern Irish border’
  • Avi Boukli, Open University, and Andreas Kotsakis, Oxford Brookes University £1360, ‘The Gold Rush in Scotland: mining nuggets of legal consciousness’
  • Georgina Dimopoulos, Swinburne University, Melbourne, £1485, ‘The right time for rights? Use of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in Australian family law decision-making’
  • Agata Fijalkowski, Leeds Beckett University, £1471, ‘Defence counsel “Maestro”’
  • Melanie Stockton-Brown, Bournemouth University, £1500, ‘Pushing back: copyright law and film archives' – see the zine charting the results of Melanie's archival research.

Fieldwork grants

  • Cristina Blanco, University of Essex, £1000, ‘Rethinking international law from Amazonian onto-epistemologies: the Kukama people and the Amazonian Waterway project’
  • Alexandra Fanghanel, Greenwich University, £600, ‘Encountering the sex game gone wrong: legal professionals’ perspectives in the courtroom’
  • Shruti Iyer, University of Oxford, £1000, ‘Silicosis and the state: reframing contestations between capital and labour in contemporary India’
  • Atoosa Khatiri, University of York, £1000, ‘The women and children of Islamic State and their journeys back home: imagining justice in the UK and beyond’
  • Tania Nascimento, Strathclyde University, £976, ‘The craft of facilitation in restorative justice: a Study of restorative conferences’


Research grants

  • Eithne Dowds, Queen’s University Belfast, £1500, ‘New methodologies in feminist legal studies: legislative drafting project’
  • Suhraiya Jivraj, Kent Law School, University of Kent, £1500, ‘Transforming social justice through artivism’
  • Lizzie Seal, Sussex University, and Esmorie Miller, London South Bank University, £1350, ‘Race, crime and justice in Britain, 1870–1955’

Fieldwork grants

  • Gee Imaan Semmalar, Kent Law School, University of Kent, £1000, ‘Colonial folklores in legal archives: caste and gender deviant categorisations in 19th-century colonial India’
  • Marcelo Carvalho Loureiro, Birmingham University, £1000, ‘Navigating citizenship law: a critical theory from Europe’s last empire’
  • Marie Wilmet, European University Institute, £1000, ‘Healing through justice? Empirically evaluating the mitigating effect of the civil party system on the harms suffered by Cambodian victims of sexual and gender-based crimes’


Research grants

  • Raphael Schlembach, Brighton University, £1105, ‘Conflicts and contestation in a public inquiry’
  • Simon Flacks, Westminster University, £2214, ‘Parental substance use and family justice’

Fieldwork grants

  • Linda Mensah, Strathclyde University, £1931, 'Unearthing the law from the pits: legal mapping of customary and living laws as an alternative to formalising artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in Ghana'
  • Selbi Durdiyeva, Ulster University, £2000, ‘Reimagining civil society’s involvement in transitional justice: Russia’s approach to the repressive past after the breakup of the USSR’
  • Daniela Travaglia, University of Birmingham, £2000, ‘Right to a fair trial in Brazilian courts: a perspective through the lens of the feminist theory'


Research grants

  • Charlie Bishop, Exeter University, and Marian Duggan, Kent University, £2577.88, ‘Exploring feminist academics’ experiences of teaching gendered and intersectional socio-legal issues’
  • Donal Casey, Kent University, £2709.98, ‘The glue that keeps compliance stuck together: the role of test houses in online gambling regulation’
  • Eithne Dowds, Queen’s University Belfast, £1714, ‘Perceptions of sexual consent in Northern Ireland: rape, responsibilisation and reasonable belief'
  • Peter Dunne, Bristol University, and Maria Moscati, University of Sussex, £2995, ‘We exist too: young trans perspectives on legal gender recognition laws in England and Wales
  • Máiréad Enright, Birmingham University, £2600, ‘Repealing the 8th: activist legal agency and abortion law reform in Ireland’
  • Suhraiya Jivraj, Kent University, £2726, ‘Embracing and reflecting BME diversity in law school curricula: why and how?’
  • Elise Ketelaars, Ulster University, £2617, ‘Women against women’s rights: female Islamists and Tunisia’s equal inheritance debate’
  • Jamie Lindsey, University of Essex, £2970, ‘The role of mediation in improving participation in the Court of Protection’
  • Emma Milne, Middlesex University, £2987.19, ‘Judging the failed mother: women suspected of killing their newborn children and the courts’

Fieldwork grants

  • Pankhuri Agarwal, Bristol University, £2760, ‘A socio-legal investigation into the journey of bonded labourers from “slavery” to “freedom” at the crossroads of labour, law and the State in India’


Research grants

  • David Cowan, University of Bristol, £2385
    Spatial precarity: a study of houseboats
  • Agata Fijalkowski, Lancaster University, £675
    Polish lawyers project
  • Ciara Fitzpatrick, Ulster University, £2640
    In-work conditionality and the ageing worker in Northern Ireland
  • Helen O’Nions, Nottingham Trent University, £2850
    Gendering asylum perspectives: exploring the need for gender sensitivity in the asylum tribunal through claimants’ perspectives
  • Sharon Thompson, Cardiff University, £2999
    The Married Women’s Association: the twentieth-century campaigns that family law forgot

Fieldwork grants

  • Nafay Choudhury, King’s College London, £3000
    Law and trust in self-regulating orders: an empirical study of Kabul’s premier money
  • Juliette Doman, University of Liverpool, £1738
    Maya women survivors’ voices on transitional justice in Guatemala
  • Mia Tamarin, Kent University, £2200
    Water commodification as conflict pacification: the case of Israel–Palestine
  • Giuseppe Zago, Northumbria University, £1635
    Experiences of sexual orientation and gender identity during imprisonment


Research grant

  • Charlotte Bendall, Essex University, £2320
    Reconsidering family law’s understandings of money in modern-day couples

Fieldwork grant

  • Emma Nyhan, European University Institute, £1580
    Indigineity, law and terrain: the Bedouin citizens of Israel.


Research grants

  • Amanda Perry-Kessaris, Kent University, £2730
    Graphic design, civil society and the current negotiations for the econo-legal reunification of Cyprus
  • Marian Duggan, Kent University, £1005
    Evaluating risk and responsibility in the domestic violence disclosure scheme
  • Marie Fox, University of Birmingham, and Sheelagh McGuiness, Bristol University, £2237.60
    Abortion and travel: the experience of women in Northern Ireland travelling to Great Britain to access abortion care

Fieldwork grants

  • Meenakshi Narayan, Michigan State University, £3000
    Production of the state: examining the role of forest-rights legislation, communities and civil society in India


Research grants

  • Alysia Blackham, Cambridge University, £2000
    Managing without a retirement age in universities: a comparative picture
  • Sandra Brunnegger, Cambridge University, £2000
    Transitional justice in Tolima, Columbia
  • Egle Dagilyte, Buckinghamshire New University, £1724
    Access to welfare benefits for EU/European Economic Area Roma migrants in the UK after the 2014 benefit reforms
  • Luke Moffett, Queen’s University Belfast, £1884
    Victim personal statements in Northern Ireland: a new voice for crime victims in sentencing?
  • Suzanne Ost, Lancaster University, £831.71
    The impact of the criminal justice system on the practice of midwives, obstetricians and gynaecologists: improving patient safety or encouraging defensive practice?
  • Sinéad Ring, Kent University, £1765.80
    Wilful ignorance? Exploring the Irish state’s failure to protect children from sexual abuse in the period 1950–1990
  • Ashley Savage, Northumbria University, £1292
    Sharing information about unsafe transportation: mapping international networks
  • Richard Young, Birmingham University, £1604.20
    Judicial review in the lower criminal courts: a workgroup analysis

Fieldwork grants

  • Rimona Afana, Ulster University, £1900
    Coupling the disparate: the justice–reconciliation nexus in Israel and Palestine and its integration in civil society peacebuilding
  • Philip Schulz, Ulster University, £2000
    Exploring legal and transitional justice needs and preferences of male victims of conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence
  • Stephanie Chaban, Ulster University, £1917
    Women’s organisations and the emergence of domestic violence legislation in the Middle East/North-Africa region: an examination of Egypt and Lebanon
  • Ben Warwick, Durham University, £1870
    Practical approaches to non-retrogression in socio-economic rights


Research Grants

  • Oona Brooks (University of Glasgow) £1741.41
    Counterallegations of domestic abuse reported to the police: A pilot study
  • Dermot Feenan (Portsmouth University) £1774
    Gender and judicial appointments in Ireland: a survey of male judges
  • Fae Garland and Mitchell Travis (Exeter Law School) £1875
    Exploring different legal constructions of intersex
  • Max Lowenstein (Bournemouth University) £758
    Judicial communication in the English Youth Court: expressing sentencing remarks towards violent offenders at the custody threshold

Fieldwork grants

In 2014, SLSA Fieldwork Grants were introduced.

  • Alysia Blackham (Cambridge University) £1500
    Age and employment: towards a new framework for structuring employment security
  • Sean Columb (Queen’s University Belfast) £1100
    Excavating the organ trade: an Egyptian case study
  • Orla Drummond (University of Ulster) £1095
    Inclusive justice? A comparative examination of the participatory nature of Special Educational Needs Tribunals in Northern Ireland and Wales
  • Joanne Hawkins (Bristol University) £1617.60
    The legitimisation of hydraulic fracturing regulation: power, prejudice and public participation
  • Rachel Killean (Queen’s University Belfast) £700
    The developing role of victim participation in transitional justice systems: civil parties in the Extraordinary Chambers in the courts of Cambodia
    Research outcomes
  • Mark Simpson (University of Ulster) £780
    Social citizenship in the devolutionary state: the case of lone parents in Northern Ireland
    Research outcomes

2013 SLSA grantholders

  • Sarah Lamble (Birkbeck College, University of London) £1070
    Transforming community justice? Exploring non-state, community-based safety and accountability strategies for addressing sexual, racial and interpersonal violence
  • Catherine O’Rourke (Transitional Justice Institute, University of Ulster) £1443.72
    Understanding costs and benefits in feminist engagement with international law
  • James Sweeney (University of Durham) £1991.60
    From traditional to transitional justice, and back again
  • Lisa Vanhala (University College London) £1710
    Legal mobilization and the diffusion of disability rights in France
    Research outcomes
  • Rebecca Dudley (Queen’s University Belfast) £1000
    Women with no recourse to public funds and domestic violence: where human rights cannot reach
  • Edward Mowlam (Bradford University) £1000
    EU migration and homelessness: are some citizens more equal than others?


2012 SLSA grantholders

  • John Jackson (University of Nottingham) and Yassin M’Boge (University of Leicester) £1950
    A socio-legal approach to evidence in the International Criminal Tribunals
  • Kirsten Campbell and Claire Garbett (Goldsmith’s College) £996
    The gender of justice: the prosecution of sexual violence in war
  • Emily Grabham (University of Kent) £1300
    The politics of prognosis: HIV, anti-retrovirals, and the definition of disability in UK equality law, 1996–2005
  • Geth Rees (University of Southampton) £1900
    The social construction of forensic sleep expertise


2011 SLSA grantholders

  • Daniel Monk (Birkbeck, London) £717.90
    Writing wills/dealing with intestacy: gay and lesbian perspectives
    Research outcomes
  • Lisa Dickson (University of Kent) £1279.80
    The NHS and s 29 of the Data Protection Act 1998
  • Antonia Layard (University of Cardiff) and Matthew Humphreys (Kingston University) £1726
    From the new deal to localism: local law in practice
  • Anthea Hucklesby (University of Leeds) £1543.95
    Pre-charge police bail: an investigation of its use and its effectiveness in the police investigation process.


2010 SLSA grantholders

  • Richard Collier (University of Newcastle) £1004.60
    Fathers, lawyers and the work–life balance: managing the downturn
    Research outcomes
  • Elizabeth Craig (University of Sussex) £980
    European minority rights laws
  • Lieve Gies (Keele University) £600
    Muslim pupils’ perceptions of human rights and the Human Rights Act
  • Jackie Gulland (University of Stirling) £1140
    Scoping study on the experience of people claiming Employment and Support Allowance
    Research outcomes
  • Níamh Howlin (Queen’s University Belfast) £638.80
    Individual trial reports: what do they tell us about juries?
  • Lizzie Seal (University of Durham) £1383.40
    Public attitudes to the death penalty in England and Wales, 1928–1965
    Research outcomes


2009 SLSA grantholders

  • Lois Bibbings (Bristol University) £1300
    Social control, criminality, masculinities and the ‘Penny Dreadful’ 1890–1918
  • Phil Rumney and Natalia Hanley (University of the West of England) £751
    Students’ attitudes to male rape
  • Sally Sheldon (Kent University) and Julie McCandless (Oxford Brookes University) £1443
    Rewriting parenthood: a policy perspective of the reform of reproductive technology law
    Research outcomes
  • Chris Taylor (Bradford University Law School) £1093.75
    The prosecution of child abuse cases
  • Anna Carline (Liverpool John Moores University) £816
    Rape and the construction of consent
  • Marie-Bénédicte Dembour (University of Sussex) £1125
    (Do not) come and study: the plight of the foreign student
  • John Flood and Daniel Muzio (University of Westminster) £1500
    Responding to Clementi and the Legal Services Act  


2008  SLSA grantholders

  • Helen Baker (Liverpool University) £1450
    Meeting the needs of teenage boys made homeless as a result of domestic violence
  • Michelle Cowley (Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford) £1411
    The sword and shield or misplaced faith? How DNA evidence affects reasoning in criminal cases
  • Sandra Brunnegger (LSE/Cambridge University) £1500
    Culture and human rights in Colombia: negotiating indigenous law
  • Jessica Guth (Bradford University) £1173.50
    Understanding mobility and internationalisation in the discipline of law in the UK
  • Jonathan Merritt (De Montfort University) £934
    Future directions for the wider police family
  • Karen Morgan (Bristol University) £765
    The social and legal constructions of nonhuman animals
  • Lisa Whitehouse (Hull University) £1485
    A longitudinal analysis of the mortgage repossession process  


2007 SLSA grantholders

  • Agata Fijalkowski (University of Lancaster) £1500
    Crime and security in post-Communist Europe
  • Alisdair Gillepsie (De Montfort University) £1000
    Happy slapping and the law: a socio-legal analysis
  • Alexandra George (Queen Mary, University of London) £1500
    The impact on indigenous societies of applying foreign ‘intellectual property’ concepts and standards
  • Guy Osborne and Steve Greenfield (University of Westminster) £1160
    Child Protection within UK sport: an analysis of compliance of governing bodies with national guidelines and legal requirements
  • Borja Garcia Garcia (Lougborough University) £1405.63
    The European Union and the governance of football


2006 SLSA grantholders

Total fund £5000.

  • Daniel Muzio and James Falconbridge (Lancaster University)
    Structures of professional firms
  • Maureen Spencer (Middlesex University)
    The history of public interest immunity
  • Rachel Murray (University of Bristol)
    African national human rights institutions
  • Richard Huxtable (University of Bristol)
    Attitudes and policies of crown prosecutors in 'mercy killing' cases
  • Brian Gran (Case Western Reserve University)
    Comparative research on children's ombudspersons
  • Simone Wong (University of Kent)


2005 SLSA grantholders

Total fund £5000.

  • Maurya Chandra (Queen Mary London)
    Access to justice in India
  • Samantha Currie (University of Liverpool )
    Enlargement and free movement of workers: implications for accession nationals
  • Penny Martin (Independent)
    The impact of human rights in Scotland: five years after devolution
  • Hannah Quirk (Criminal Cases Review Commission)
    Redressing wrongful convictions: a comparative study of US innocence projects and the Criminal Cases Review Commission
  • Rachel Sieder (Institute for the Study of the Americas, London)
    Indigenous rights, decentralization and legal globalization: Mexico and Guatemala
  • David Sugarman (Lancaster)
    Pursuing Pinochet: a global quest for justice


2004 SLSA grantholders

Total fund £5000.

  • Christopher Waters (University of Reading)
    Post-conflict legal education in the Balkans
  • Fiona Macaulay (Centre for Brazilian Studies, University of Oxford)
    A pilot study of community-run prisons in Brazil
  • Oliver Quick (University of Bristol)
    Medical manslaughter: the construction of a crime – perceptions from the CPS
  • Lieve Gies (Keele University)
    The role of press judges in Dutch courts
  • Bryony Gill (University of Leeds)
    Highly skilled return migration – policy and practice
  • Julian Webb (University of Westminster)
    Law, complexity and globalisation
  • Catherine Russell (Manchester Metropolitan University)
    Dissemination of information technology provision in South Africa


2003 SLSA grantholders

Total fund £5000.

  • Amanda Perry-Kessaris (Queen Mary, University of London)
    Legal systems as a determinant of foreign direct investment in South Asia
    Research outcomes
  • Bronwen Morgan (Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford)
    The commodification of water, social protest and cosmopolitan citizenship
  • Annapurna Waughray (Manchester Metropolitan University)
    Caste-based discrimination in international human rights law
  • Rachel Murray (Birkbeck, University of London)
    Approach of the Organisation of African Unity/African Union to human rights
  • Alison Brown (University of Stirling)
    Conceptualising the work of international peace teams
  • Christine Barker (freelance researcher)
    Church-state relations in East Germany


2002 SLSA grantholders

Total fund £5000.

  • Matthew Humphreys (Anglia Polytechnic University)
    European transport law and policy
  • Catherine Phuong (Newcastle)
    Travel costs relating to a project on European asylum and immigration
  • Davina Cooper (Keele)
    Organisation of a conference on gender, sexuality and law
  • Antje Wiener (Institute of European Studies, Queens University Belfast)
    A comparative study of constitutional norms


2001 SLSA grantholders

Total fund £5000.

  • Kim Edmonds (Manchester Metropolitan University)
    The repatriation of refugees in Kosovo
  • Emily Finch (University of Reading)
    The stalking task force in San Diego
  • Bettina Lange (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)
    The implementation of the EU Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control in Germany
  • Lisa Whitehouse (University of Hull)
    Corporate social responsibility in New York City


2000 SLSA grantholders

Total fund £5000.

  • Julia Black (LSE)
    Interdisciplinary project on Financial Services Regulation
  • Reza Banakar (Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford) and Max Travers (Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College)
    Workshop on methodological and theoretical issues in socio-legal studies
  • David Campbell (Cardiff)
    Completion of edited collection of works of Professor Ian Macneil
  • Peter Fitzpatrick (QMW)
    Indigenous land rights claims in postcolonial settler-based societies
  • Jo Shaw (Leeds)
    Empirical project on ‘alien suffrage’ in Europe
  • Ciaran White (Ulster)
    Control of sex offenders in the Republic of Ireland
  • Noel Whitty (Keele)
    Royalty and identity
