2019 book and article prize shortlists
The SLSA Exec announced the shortlists for this year’s book and article prizes in January 2019. The winners were announced at the Annual Conference dinner in Leeds on 4 April 2019. See our prizewinners' page for details.
Hart—SLSA Book Prize
Tamir Moustafa (2018) Constituting Religion: Islam liberal rights and the Malaysian state, Cambridge University Press – this book is open access
Charlotte O’Brien (2017) Unity in Adversity: EU citizenship, social justice and the cautionary tale of the UK, Hart/Bloomsbury
Anthea Roberts (2017) Is International Law International?, Oxford University Press
Nimer Sultany (2017) Law and Revolution: Legitimacy and constitutionalism after the Arab spring, Oxford University Press
Hart—SLSA Prize for Early Career Academics

Meghan Campbell (2018) Women, Poverty, Equality: The role of CEDAW, Hart/Bloomsbury
Maureen Duffy (2018) Detention of Terrorism Suspects: Political Discourse and Fragmented Practices, Hart/Bloomsbury
SLSA Theory and History Prize
David Churchill (2017) Crime Control and Everyday Life in the Victorian City: The police and the public, Oxford University Press
Athanasios Psygkas (2017) From the ‘Democratic Deficit’ to a ‘Democratic Surplus’: Constructing administrative democracy in Europe, Oxford University Press
SLSA Article Prize
Anastasia Chamberlen and Henrique Carvalho (2018) ‘The thrill of the chase: punishment, hostility and the prison crisis’ (2019) 28(1) Social & Legal Studies (published online 26 February 2018)
Máiréad Enright (2019) “‘No. I won’t go back’: National time, trauma and legacies of symphysiotomy in Ireland’ in S M Benyon-Jones and E Grabham (eds), Law and Time, Routledge, 46–74
Marie Fox and Michael Thomson (2017) ‘Bodily integrity, embodiment, and the regulation of parental choice’ Journal of Law and Society 44(4): 501–31